Welcome to David Tian's Complimentary Masterclasses page. These training courses cover everything from emotional intelligence to social skills to psychology to dating intelligence to relationships to masculinity to lifestyle and more. You will find all our FREE training below, just click on the square buttons below to access your desired courses.
NOTE: If you purchased any courses, the login credentials will have been sent to you in a separate email. Check your inbox, spam, or promotions tab for your login credentials email.
You will also find these complimentary masterclasses duplicated inside our membership site. Many members enjoy the user experience inside our membership site better. We have sent you the login credentials for this membership site in a separate email. The login page for the membership site is here:
"Which Area Of Your Life Would You Like To Level Up?"
Is She Relationship Material?
Here’s Your Free Video Course: “Is She Relationship Material?”/ “Relationship Red Flags”
Your Free Video Course on “Is She Relationship Material?”/ "Relationship Red Flags"! Enjoy!
Download the accompanying slides here:
>>> CLICK HERE to download the accompanying slides<<<
What now?
- After watching the video course and going through the slides, if you’ve got a specific problem or situation that you’d like help with, post your question in the Man Up Facebook group. Remember to give as much context and background info that you can.
- If you’ve never taken a full program with Aura Transformation, get knowledge and training in sexual attraction here:
- Review the video! Some people watch it over and over again just to absorb everything.
- Watch your inbox for the next lessons.
- This is only the beginning. Reply to any of my emails to you, and tell me your dating goals today! My job is to help you!
Best, David Tian, Ph.D.
Make Your Relationship Passionate
Here’s Your Free Video Course: “How To Make Your Relationship Passionate”
Your Free Video Course on “How To Make Your Relationship Passionate"! Enjoy!
Download the accompanying slides here:
>>> CLICK HERE to download the accompanying slides<<<
What now?
- After watching the video course and going through the slides, if you’ve got a specific problem or situation that you’d like help with, post your question in the Man Up Facebook group. Remember to give as much context and background info that you can.
- If you’ve never taken a full program with Aura Transformation, get knowledge and training in sexual attraction here:
- Review the video! Some people watch it over and over again just to absorb everything.
- Watch your inbox for the next lessons.
- This is only the beginning. Reply to any of my emails to you, and tell me your dating goals today! My job is to help you!
Best, David Tian, Ph.D.
Secret To A Successful Relationship
Here’s Your Free Video Course: Secret To A Successful Relationship
Part 2!
Download the accompanying slides here:
>>> CLICK HERE to download the accompanying slides<<<
Part 3!
Part 4!
How To Recover From A Break Up
Here’s Your Free Video Course: Break Up Recovery
Here’s the course video:
Download the accompanying slides here:
>>> CLICK HERE to download the accompanying slides<<<
BUT FIRST Watch This!
Download the accompanying slides here:
>>> CLICK HERE to download the accompanying slides<<<
Watch this Second!
>>> CLICK HERE to download the accompanying slides<<<
Only after you’ve studied the two prerequisite videos should you then move onto the course video
What now?
- Apply the steps in the Break Up Recovery course!
- Get knowledge and training in sexual attraction here:
- Review the video! Some people watch it over and over again just to absorb everything.
- Watch your inbox for the next lessons.
- This is only the beginning. Reply to any of my emails to you, and tell me your dating goals today! My job is to help you!
Best, David Tian, Ph.D.
How To Get Your Ex Back
Here’s Your Video Course: Get Her Back
Here’s the course video:
Download the accompanying slides here:
>>> CLICK HERE to download the accompanying slides<<<
BUT FIRST Watch This!
Download the accompanying slides here:
>>> CLICK HERE to download the accompanying slides<<<
Watch this Second!
>>> CLICK HERE to download the accompanying slides<<<
Only after you’ve studied the two prerequisite videos should you then move onto the course video
What now?
- Apply the steps in the Get Your Ex Back course!
- Get knowledge and training in sexual attraction here:
- Review the video! Some people watch it over and over again just to absorb everything.
- Watch your inbox for the next lessons.
- This is only the beginning. Reply to any of my emails to you, and tell me your dating goals today! My job is to help you!
Best, David Tian, Ph.D.
Relationship Red Flags
Here’s Your Free Video Course: “Is She Relationship Material?”/ “Relationship Red Flags”
Your Free Video Course on “Is She Relationship Material?”/ "Relationship Red Flags"! Enjoy!/p>
Download the accompanying slides here:
>>> CLICK HERE to download the accompanying slides<<<
What now?
- After watching the video course and going through the slides, if you’ve got a specific problem or situation that you’d like help with, post your question in the Man Up Facebook group. Remember to give as much context and background info that you can.
- If you’ve never taken a full program with Aura Transformation, get knowledge and training in sexual attraction here:
- Review the video! Some people watch it over and over again just to absorb everything.
- Watch your inbox for the next lessons.
- This is only the beginning. Reply to any of my emails to you, and tell me your dating goals today! My job is to help you!
Best, David Tian, Ph.D.
Starting Conversations With Women
Here’s Your Free Video Course: “How to Start Conversations with Women”
NOTE — “Openers” are “Ways of starting a conversation”
* The Attraction Focus:
- Have Fun!
- Make others have _____!
- Make connections and see if people meet your _______.
- Open your phone to the keypad and put it in her hand.
* The Dramatic Direct Opener
“Hey/Excuse me, I saw you [doing X-activity], and I wanted to come over to tell you… (pause) I think… (pause) you are… (pause and SMILE) [Y-adjective]. And I just wanted to meet you.”
* Drop the Pretense
“[Pretense]?… Actually no, … I just wanted to come over to talk to you because I thought you were really cute,” said with a sheepish and warm smile.
What now?
- Try them out! Beginners level: Try these two go-to openers and see which one works best for you. Practice it in REAL LIFE at least 10 times with women you see this month.
- Watch your inbox for more free training!
David Tian, Ph.D.
How To Get Her Number
Here’s Your Free Video Course: “How To Get Her Number”
Your Free Video Course on “How to Start Conversations with Women" and "How to Get Her Number.” Enjoy!
- “Hey/Excuse me, I saw you [doing X-activity], and I wanted to come over to tell you… (pause) I think… (pause) you are… (pause and SMILE) [Y-adjective]. And I just wanted to meet you.”
- After forming a connection, you say, “Hey, I’ve got to run to a [high-value time constraint]. But I’d love to keep in touch and maybe [low pressure meeting. E.g., “meet for coffee or something.”] Do you have your phone with you?”
- ”Yes” => “Great. Let’s trade.” ”No” => “No problem. I’ve got mine.”
- Open your phone to the keypad and put it in her hand.
What now?
- Try it out!
- Check out our coaching programs.
- Review the video! Some people watch it over and over again just to absorb everything.
- Watch your inbox for the next lessons.
- This is only the beginning. Reply to any of my emails to you, and tell me your dating goals today! My job is to help you!
David Tian, Ph.D.
How To Turn Her On
Here’s Your Free Video Course: “How To Turn A Woman On”
Your Free Video Course on “How To Turn A Woman On” Enjoy!
Quick Quiz:
- What is Triangular Gazing?
- What is Sexual State Transference?
- How do you use Sexual Statements of Interest?
- How do you use Hair Touching?
- What do you do on the Dance Floor?
- Explain Kiss Progression
What now?
- Try it out! Or watch it again! Some people watch it over and over again just to absorb everything.
- Watch your inbox for the next lessons.
- This is only the beginning. Reply to any of my emails to you and tell me your dating goals today! My job is to help you!
David Tian, Ph.D.
From Meet to Date
Step by step system for escalating from meeting a woman to your first intimate date. (This video course is taken from one of the Bonus sections of one of my paid programs.)
Watch this Video!
The Perfect Date Checklist
From Friend Zone To End Zone
Here’s Your Free Video Course: “How To Escape The Friend Zone”
Your Free Video Course on “How To Escape The Friend Zone” Enjoy!
Download the accompanying slides here:
>>> CLICK HERE to download the accompanying slides<<<
What now?
- If you’re stuck in the Friend Zone, try it out the strategy that is relevant to you!
- If you’re not in the Friend Zone yet, but feel you’re in danger of falling into it, then get knowledge and training in sexual attraction here:
- Review the video! Some people watch it over and over again just to absorb everything.
- Watch your inbox for the next lessons
- This is only the beginning. Reply to any of my emails to you, and tell me your dating goals today! My job is to help you!
David Tian, Ph.D.
Dating For Smart, Successful Men
Here’s Your Free Video Course: “Dating for Smart, Successful Men”
Your Free Video Course on “Dating for Smart, Successful Men"! Enjoy!
Download the accompanying slides here:
>>> CLICK HERE to download the accompanying slides<<<
What now?
- After watching the video course and going through the slides, if you’ve got a specific problem or situation that you’d like help with, post your question in the Man Up Facebook group. Remember to give as much context and background info that you can.
- If you’ve never taken a full program with Aura Transformation, get knowledge and training in sexual attraction here:
- Review the video! Some people watch it over and over again just to absorb everything.
- Watch your inbox for the next lessons.
- This is only the beginning. Reply to any of my emails to you, and tell me your dating goals today! My job is to help you!
Best, David Tian, Ph.D.
System Social Charm Digital Book
How To Talk To Anyone
“The Man Up Show” – How To Talk With Anyone Video Course
I was in a cafe about 10 years ago admiring the very cute barista behind the counter.
And then in walked a dude in a nice jacket and cool jeans. He went right up to the counter to order his drink, but… what was unusual… was that after a few seconds of talking with the cute barista… he had her giggling uncontrollably.
Then, a few seconds later, the other people waiting for their drinks at the counter were also laughing and trying to join in on the joke.
And even while the people behind him were getting their order entered into the cash register, the barista was still trying to talk with him and keep his attention.
And then I heard her say, “Hey, don’t worry about it. Your drink’s on me!”
He just smiled and thanked her casually.
When I saw that, I KNEW I had to learn everything I could from him.
As soon as he sat down at a table near the window, I went right over, introduced myself and offered to get him his next drink if he’d let me ask him some questions.
This was 10 years ago.
Now he is one of my best friends, and we meet at exotic locations around the world. He also speaks regularly at my $25,000 Mastermind.
I’ve taken just a few of the lessons I learned from him so long ago — updated with the knowledge from cutting edge research I’ve been pioneering in social psychology — and chosen a few quick and easy tips. In fact, I’ve just filmed the video to share them with you.
Here’s the first video. Enjoy!
And feel free to write me at david “at” and give me your feedback!
Best, David Tian, Ph.D.
P.S. Check out the menu bar above for my Products and Programs. Some of them are as affordable as one drink in a Singapore bar! Do yourself a favor. Get it done. Get it handled.
========= VIDEO #2:
If you haven’t seen the first video in the series, go watch that first.
Now here’s your second video on how to talk with anyone!
Do yourself a favor. Get it done. Get it handled.
Best, David Tian, Ph.D.
========= VIDEO #3:
Note — watch Videos #1 and #2 before watching this next video.
Now do yourself a favor: Get out of the house. Go out into the social world… And MEET NEW PEOPLE!
Put yourself out there. It’s the only way you’ll ever improve!
Apply the lessons you’ve learned so far from me and make some new friends. And let me know how it goes! Just hit “reply”!
Now here’s the final video in the series:
How To Make Friends Anywhere
“The Man Up Show” – How To Make Friends Anywhere Free Video Course
After over 10 years of coaching people to success in dating and relationships, I’ve found that the number one predictor of whether a guy will have rapid success in learning dating skills comes down to this one habit…
If a guy can do this one thing well and often… he will be able to master all the other skills and mindsets for attracting women… very very fast.
If he isn’t used to doing this one thing, though… or if he never develops the habit of doing this one thing…
…then the chances of him getting good with women and dating… are almost zero!
The good news is that this one thing is very easy to pick up.
What is this thing, you ask?
It’s actually very simple.
Ready for it?…
It’s simply:
Being the Social Guy
For a guy to become good with women, he will need to get lots of experience and practice interacting with women.
So in order to get good with women… fast… a guy needs to feel relatively comfortable talking to people in general.
Once a guy is in a social and talkative mood, it will be a lot easier for him to approach women and strike up conversations with them… AND he’ll be a lot more attractive to women, as well!
If you never learn how to become “the social guy,” then you’ll have a very hard time learning dating skills.
The guy who tries to act tough or cool or aloof almost always comes off really try-hard.
Why? Because if you’re cool, you’re cool. You won’t need to try.
Trying to be cool or tough or “the dark, silent type” just guarantees that you’ll come across like a tool.
So instead, use the tested and proven method:
Become the “Social Guy.”
Watch this new 4-minute video, in which I reveal…
- How to get yourself in a social mood… even if you’re introverted or staring at a computer screen all day
- How to be the Social Guy and meet people anywhere, any time… and have them loving you
- How to be attractive to women by standing out in a good way
… And let me know what you think!
Best, David Tian, Ph.D.
========= VIDEO #2:
Here’s the second part of our 3-part series on “how to make new friends anywhere, any time.”
And let me know what you think!
========= VIDEO #3:
Make sure you’ve watched the first two videos first!
Here’s the third video in this three-video series on “How to Meet New Friends Anywhere, Any Time.”
And let me know what you think!
Do yourself a favour. Get it done. Get it handled.
David Tian, Ph.D.