is forged in
the crucible
of adversity

Success lies on
the other side
of unfamiliarity
and discomfort

just because
it’s different
doesn’t mean
it’s impossible

do something
today that your
future self
would thank
you for

is never
an excuse
not to act

David Tian Ph.D., Leadership Coach for Executives, Dating & Relationships Coach, specializing in Scientific Therapeutic Methods

This Free Assessment Reveals YOUR #1 Next Best Step to Succeed in Dating, Relationships, or Emotional Mastery

Click here to take this 30-second life assessment now

David Tian Ph.D., Leadership Coach for Executives, Dating & Relationships Coach, specializing in Scientific Therapeutic Methods

David Tian, Ph.D., is a Leadership Coach, Certified IFS Therapy Practitioner, former university professor, and a uniquely qualified international specialist in human behavior and emotional intelligence, and a global educator, researcher, speaker, and author.


How to Create Deep Connection, No Matter Who’s Around You | (#028) Beyond Success: Psychology & Philosophy for Achievers, with David Tian, Ph.D.

How to Create Deep Connection, No Matter Who’s Around You | (#028) Beyond Success: Psychology & Philosophy for Achievers, with David Tian, Ph.D.

If you wanted to grow bigger muscles, you could read all the strength training books you wanted. But until you go to the gym and apply your knowledge to your body, your muscles will never grow.
That’s the same way the muscle of connection works. But for some reason, high achievers especially are prone to fall into the trap of thinking they can build connection by listening to podcasts, reading books, or even going into individual therapy.
This misses the mark that connection is a skill. And the only way to improve at a skill is to practice it with other people.
In today’s show, you’ll discover why connection is a skill that can be honed with practice, how to start practicing it (even if it feels uncomfortable), and what your life could be like with intentional practice.

Why Success Kills Connection (& What To Do About It) | (#027) Beyond Success: Psychology & Philosophy for Achievers, with David Tian, Ph.D.

Why Success Kills Connection (& What To Do About It) | (#027) Beyond Success: Psychology & Philosophy for Achievers, with David Tian, Ph.D.

Most people who struggle with connection chalk it up to a personality trait. They think their personality, which benefits them in other areas, just makes connection harder for them.
But this is actually a defense mechanism in disguise, created by a protective part of you that was created by an old wound. This wounded part of you whispers into your ear that connection will come if you just hustle more, achieve more accolades, or have more material success.
But this protective part of you is stuck in old beliefs that protected you in your formative years, but will sabotage you in adult life.
That’s the bad news.
The good news?

The Hidden Reason You’re Unfulfilled (Even If You’re Successful) | (#026) Beyond Success: Psychology & Philosophy for Achievers, with David Tian, Ph.D.

The Hidden Reason You’re Unfulfilled (Even If You’re Successful) | (#026) Beyond Success: Psychology & Philosophy for Achievers, with David Tian, Ph.D.

Successful high achievers think they can always rely on themselves more than on other people. This idea helped fuel their success.
But it’s also why their success isn’t fulfilling, and why they feel on the verge of burnout.
In fact, a deep-rooted drive to do everything yourself is a sign that something’s off under the surface. Isolation isn’t a strength. It’s a slow acting poison that leads to burnout, frustration, and an early grave.
And you know what?
If you resonate with this, you’ve just encountered a problem that you cannot solve alone.