is forged in
the crucible
of adversity

Success lies on
the other side
of unfamiliarity
and discomfort

just because
it’s different
doesn’t mean
it’s impossible

do something
today that your
future self
would thank
you for

is never
an excuse
not to act

David Tian Ph.D., Executive Coach and Therapist specializing in Psychology, Philosophy, Relationships, Dating, Lifestyle, and Leadership

This Free Assessment Reveals YOUR #1 Next Best Step to Succeed in Dating and Relationships

Click here to take this 30-second life assessment now

David Tian Ph.D., Executive Coach and Therapist specializing in Psychology, Philosophy, Relationships, Dating, Lifestyle, and Leadership

David Tian, Ph.D., is director of Aura Transformation and a uniquely qualified international specialist in human behavior, emotional and social intelligence, masculinity, relationships, and a global educator, researcher, philosopher, and author.


Stop Striving to be an Alpha Male: It’s Sabotaging Your Life | (#157) The Masculine Psychology Podcast with David Tian

Stop Striving to be an Alpha Male: It’s Sabotaging Your Life | (#157) The Masculine Psychology Podcast with David Tian

Do you ever wish you were more alpha?
It’s a big buzzword thrown around in forums by bitter and resentful men. And if you keep striving to be more alpha, you’ll suffocate your relationships, suppress your emotions, and sabotage your happiness.
Because the pop culture view of the alpha male couldn’t be further from the truth about how real alphas operate. It’s not about being feared or dominating, it’s about leading with compassion, connection, and empathy.
If you want to be a true alpha and embody real masculinity, you have to stop striving to be an alpha. It’s counterintuitive, but effective.

Why You’re Not Broken: Live Caller Interview on Healthy Anger & Boundaries | (#156) The Masculine Psychology Podcast with David Tian

Why You’re Not Broken: Live Caller Interview on Healthy Anger & Boundaries | (#156) The Masculine Psychology Podcast with David Tian

Today I’d like you to meet Ryan.
Ryan’s a first responder with a strong sense of fairness, and he loves to help people who need it.
Those are both noble qualities, so on the surface it all sounds great. But as Ryan processed the end of a marriage he tried to make sense of why some things bothered him so much, and why certain patterns kept repeating in his life.
He turned to me to talk about it, and together we explored how even great qualities can cause problems when they’re driven by unresolved issues lingering beneath the surface.

How ‘Inside Out 2’ Can Help You Master Your Emotions | (#155) The Masculine Psychology Podcast with David Tian

How ‘Inside Out 2’ Can Help You Master Your Emotions | (#155) The Masculine Psychology Podcast with David Tian

Inside Out 2 gives you a brilliant in-depth look into your inner world. Just by watching the movie, you’ll better understand yourself, your emotions, and how to handle emotions better.
But if you pair this movie with this podcast episode, you’ll also discover the actionable steps you can take today to balance your emotions, access your higher self, and lead the various parts of you more effectively.
The result?
You’ll become more attractive. You’ll have an easier time dating. You’ll develop healthier and stronger relationships. And you’ll create a better life for yourself all around.