is forged in
the crucible
of adversity

Success lies on
the other side
of unfamiliarity
and discomfort

just because
it’s different
doesn’t mean
it’s impossible

do something
today that your
future self
would thank
you for

is never
an excuse
not to act

David Tian Ph.D., Leadership Coach for Executives, Dating & Relationships Coach, specializing in Scientific Therapeutic Methods

This Free Assessment Reveals YOUR #1 Next Best Step to Succeed in Dating, Relationships, or Emotional Mastery

Click here to take this 30-second life assessment now

David Tian Ph.D., Leadership Coach for Executives, Dating & Relationships Coach, specializing in Scientific Therapeutic Methods

David Tian, Ph.D., is a Leadership Coach, Certified IFS Therapy Practitioner, former university professor, and a uniquely qualified international specialist in human behavior and emotional intelligence, and a global educator, researcher, speaker, and author.


The Dating Lies You’ve Been Sold (And Why They’re Keeping You Single) | (#022) Beyond Success: Psychology & Philosophy for Achievers, with David Tian, Ph.D.

The Dating Lies You’ve Been Sold (And Why They’re Keeping You Single) | (#022) Beyond Success: Psychology & Philosophy for Achievers, with David Tian, Ph.D.

When you want to become more successful in business, relationships, or life, most people focus on tactics, strategies, and skills.
But there’s a bigger obstacle to your success than your lack of tactics, strategies, and skills… In fact, without first addressing this obstacle, success will never come easy, no matter how hard you keep pushing.
Because the obstacle you have to overcome is yourself. And no amount of pushing, prodding, or plotting can help you outrun yourself.
That’s the bad news.
The good news?

The Missing Ingredient for Lasting Attraction: Investment (It’s Not What You Think) | (#021) Beyond Success: Psychology & Philosophy for Achievers, with David Tian, Ph.D.

The Missing Ingredient for Lasting Attraction: Investment (It’s Not What You Think) | (#021) Beyond Success: Psychology & Philosophy for Achievers, with David Tian, Ph.D.

When you want to become more successful in business, relationships, or life, most people focus on tactics, strategies, and skills.
But there’s a bigger obstacle to your success than your lack of tactics, strategies, and skills… In fact, without first addressing this obstacle, success will never come easy, no matter how hard you keep pushing.
Because the obstacle you have to overcome is yourself. And no amount of pushing, prodding, or plotting can help you outrun yourself.
That’s the bad news.
The good news?

Master Inner Game: How to Become More Attractive on Dates & Magnetic as a Leader | (#020) Beyond Success: Psychology & Philosophy for Achievers, with David Tian, Ph.D.

Master Inner Game: How to Become More Attractive on Dates & Magnetic as a Leader | (#020) Beyond Success: Psychology & Philosophy for Achievers, with David Tian, Ph.D.

When you want to become more successful in business, relationships, or life, most people focus on tactics, strategies, and skills.
But there’s a bigger obstacle to your success than your lack of tactics, strategies, and skills… In fact, without first addressing this obstacle, success will never come easy, no matter how hard you keep pushing.
Because the obstacle you have to overcome is yourself. And no amount of pushing, prodding, or plotting can help you outrun yourself.
That’s the bad news.
The good news?