After helping hundreds of thousands of people, from 87 different countries, find fulfillment, happiness and meaning in their personal and professional lives, I’ve decided to start a new journey to help you do the same. 

Beyond Success is a brand-new show that explores the ideas that lead to lasting happiness and fulfillment—not just short-lived “success.” 

If you’ve succeeded on the outside but feel like something deeper is missing, this show will pave the road for your happiness and fulfillment on the inside. 

In this introductory episode, I reveal the key concepts and ideas that we’ll discuss on this podcast, explore how to invite more joy into your life, and shatter some of the biggest myths keeping you successful, yet unfulfilled. 

Listen now. 

 Show highlights include:

  • Are you successful on the outside but feel like something deeper is missing? Here’s how to feel fulfilled and successful (1:10) 
  • Why striving for perfection fast tracks you towards failure (and why focusing on this instead unlocks true happiness) (2:32) 
  • Is there a way to enjoy life and achieve your goals with more ease and efficiency? Yes, and here’s how to do it (3:21) 
  • How embracing your emotions (instead of instantly shutting them down) improves your decision-making process (3:49) 
  • The single most dangerous word in the English language for your joy (4:19) 

For more about David Tian, go here:

Emotional Mastery is David Tian’s step-by-step system to transform, regulate, and control your emotions… so that you can master yourself, your interactions with others, and your relationships… and live a life worth living. Learn more here:

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Note: Scroll Below for Transcription

Welcome to “Beyond Success”, the podcast for high achievers seeking deeper meaning, fulfillment and purpose. Now, here’s your host, world-renowned leadership coach and therapist, David Tian.

Welcome to this introductory episode of Beyond Success: Psychology & Philosophy for Achievers. My name is David Tian, and I’m thrilled to kick off this new journey with you.

Now, if you followed me for a while, you might know me from the Masculine Psychology podcast. That was a great run, but I’ve evolved, and so has the material that I want to share with you. This new podcast is for anyone who has reached a certain level of success, but still feels like there’s something missing. Whether you’re a man, a woman, or identify as non-binary, this is for you. [00:48.2]

Let me tell you a bit about myself. I’m a certified therapist and leadership coach, and for almost 20 years, I’ve been helping hundreds of thousands of people from over 87 countries find fulfillment, happiness and meaning in their personal and professional lives. I’ve worked with CEOs, entrepreneurs, professionals, and just about anyone who is driven to succeed but feels unfulfilled. That’s why I’m starting this new podcast, because I want to reach more people like you who might be successful on the outside but are still searching for that deeper sense of purpose and meaning.

So, why beyond success? Why move beyond masculine psychology? The truth is, the ideas I want to explore now go far beyond the confines of masculine psychology. Sure, that’s important, but there’s a much bigger conversation to be had here, one that’s relevant to everyone, regardless of gender. Success, fulfillment, and happiness, these aren’t things that are limited to one demographic. They are universal, and so are the challenges that come with them. [01:49.3]

Beyond Success is where we’ll explore the big questions, those existential, sometimes uncomfortable, but always enlightening questions that high achievers like you and me often face. What does it really mean to be successful? How do we find genuine happiness in a world that constantly pushes us to do more, achieve more and be more? What if the secret to success isn’t about hustling harder, but about something much deeper?

In this podcast, I’ll take you on a journey through the psychology and philosophy that underpins a truly meaningful life. We’re going to dig deep into the beliefs and myths that hold us back, and I’ll help you discover the tools to break free from them.

One of the big myths that we’ll tackle is this idea that we need to strive for perfection. We’ve all been taught that doing things perfectly will get us where we want to go in life. But what if that’s not true? What if, instead of chasing perfection, we focused on connection? 

Think about the impact you could have by being more connected with your customers, your colleagues, your employees. What if that connection leads to better results than any perfectly crafted product or presentation ever could? We’ll dive into why connection often trumps perfection, and how you can apply this to your work and your personal life. [03:10.8]

Another myth we’ll expose is the belief that we have to manage everything—ourselves, our companies, even the world around us—in order to get what we want. The truth is, there’s a way to enjoy life and achieve your goals with far more ease and efficiency. It’s not about controlling everything. It’s about understanding how to work with the flow of life, rather than against it. We’ll explore how letting go of the need to control can actually bring you more of what you truly desire.

We’ll also dig into this dangerous misconception that we should ignore our feelings and always be rational. This idea that emotions are a weakness or something to be managed is flawed. Groundbreaking research like that of the world-famous neuroscientist Antonio Damasio, in his book Descartes’ Error, shows that without emotions, we simply can’t make decisions effectively. So, why do we keep trying to shut them down? In this podcast, we’ll explore how embracing our emotions can actually guide us toward what we really want and lead us to much better decisions. [04:19.2]

Toxic shame is another big topic we’ll cover. For example, notice the way the word “should” acts as a mechanism of shame. We all have these chains, these shackles of the shoulds in our lives, things we believe we should do or should be or should have, but these are often just shackles that keep us stuck in bad habits or paths that don’t really serve us. We’ll talk about how to break free from these chains and start living in a way that honors what we actually want, not what we think we ought to want.

Now let’s talk about self-improvement. It’s a big buzzword, and it’s something that many of us chase, but there’s a fine line between self-improvement and self-flagellation. We can easily fall into the trap of using self-improvement as just another way to beat ourselves up. [05:07.0]

In this podcast, we’ll dive into the difference between self-discovery and self-development. I’ll show you how this nuance can be the key to your freedom, how understanding yourself is more important than trying to fix yourself.

Finally, one of the most important things we’ll discover together is the power of unconditional love for ourselves and for others. This isn’t some airy-fairy concept. It’s the foundation for experiencing deep peace, true enjoyment and a sense of welcoming that’s always available no matter what’s happening in your life. We’ll explore how to cultivate this love and why it’s essential for living a fulfilling life.

So, what can you expect from Beyond Success? We’ll be releasing episodes at the end of every week, each one packed with insights, revelations, stories and practical tools that you can apply to your life right away. My goal is to challenge your perspectives, inspire you to grow, and guide you toward a life that’s not just successful, but deeply fulfilling. [06:10.0]

I’m excited to start this journey with you. Whether you’re a longtime listener or new to my work, I’m so glad you’re here, and I feel so honored. Let’s go beyond success together.