“The Lies of Self-Help & The Anxieties of Insecurity” | (#051) The Masculine Psychology Podcast with David Tian
Most guys who want to find unconditional love fall into the trap of self-help….

“Psychological Analysis of Top Gun 2: Masculinity, Grief Work, & Acceptance” | (#050) The Masculine Psychology Podcast with David Tian
Men these days think masculinity means one-upmanship and being the “alpha” of the group. Or worse – they think masculinity is inherently toxic…..

“The One And Only Thing That Unlocks Love, Attraction, & Fulfillment” | (#049) The Masculine Psychology Podcast with David Tian
Why do “bad boys” take home hot girls every night while good guys sleep alone….

“The Uncensored Truth About Alpha Males” | (#048) The Masculine Psychology Podcast with David Tian
Guys who struggle with women often fall into the seductive (and lethal) “Alpha Myth” trap….

“Psychology of Dr. Strange 2: Scarlet Witch, White Knights, Chaos, & Fear” | (#047) The Masculine Psychology Podcast with David Tian
Dr. Strange 2 is deeper than an action-packed superhero movie….

“Why Ultra Successful People Are Often So Bad At Relationships” | (#046) The Masculine Psychology Podcast with David Tian
Most ultra successful people suck at relationships. Look no further than Johnny Depp, Elon Musk, or Will Smith. Despite their riches, their relationships are either deeply troubled or in shambles….

“On the Origins of Dr. Strange: Narcissism, Self-Worth, & Morality” | (#045) The Masculine Psychology Podcast with David Tian
Dr. Strange gives you a masterclass in human psychology. Stephen Strange was the classic narcissist who tied his entire identity to his career……

“How to Master Your Inner Critic Through Radical Acceptance” | (#044) The Masculine Psychology Podcast with David Tian
Everyone has an inner critic who beats up on your mental health. And the worse your trauma is, the harsher your critic becomes…..

“Why Radical Self-Acceptance Is Necessary For Growth” | (#043) The Masculine Psychology Podcast with David Tian
There are two paths to transformation: The Fixing Method and The Acceptance Method……

“How Self-Help Sabotages Your Happiness” | (#042) The Masculine Psychology Podcast with David Tian
The self-help business is a multi-billion dollar industry that feeds off your insecurities like a poisonous leech….