How To Succeed In Life If You Already Love Yourself Unconditionally | (#015) The Masculine Psychology Podcast with David Tian
Do you bury yourself in your work or skip your favorite activities in pursuit of achieving more? Do you rely on your status to get attention from women…
“What Makes Someone Worthy Of Love?” | (#014) The Masculine Psychology Podcast with David Tian
Men who use success to fuel their self-esteem are running on a never-ending treadmill. They are restless and insecure,…
“How Striving For Success Can Block You From Experiencing Love” | (#013) The Masculine Psychology Podcast with David Tian
Are you an achiever, working hard for success…
“How To Attract Women The Emotionally Healthy Way” | (#012) The Masculine Psychology Podcast with David Tian
You may have found dating tips that suggest manipulation and dishonesty will improve your dating life. Wear flashy clothes, put on an act, become “alpha.”…..
How To Know If She’s Right For A Relationship | (#011) The Masculine Psychology Podcast with David Tian
If you’re casually dating different women, waiting to find “the one” for a long term relationship, your approach may be working against you…..
How Casual Dating Success Can Sabotage Your Long-Term Relationship Success | (#010) The Masculine Psychology Podcast with David Tian
Are you hoping to “play the field,” find that special woman, and start a loving relationship? Players who try to score are focused on short-term wins. But the loving relationship you want is not a short-term win….
“How To Create & Grow An Unconditional Love Relationship” | (#009) The Masculine Psychology Podcast with David Tian
Everyone has “inner parts” that need love and acceptance. But most men don’t know how to handle their emotions when their needs aren’t being met. As a result, these vulnerable “parts” make you feel unlovable…..
“How To Overcome Your Neediness With Women” | (#008) Masculine Psychology Podcast with David Tian
Have you ever bombarded a woman with text messages… offered to solve problems “so she will like you”… or found yourself reciting scripted lines to conceal your nervousness….
What Is The Biggest Attraction Killer In Men?” | (#007) The Masculine Psychology Podcast with David Tian
Most dating tips from the internet advise you on how to behave, look, or talk with women. But do these tips make you feel fake? You may be missing the largest factor that attracts women to men: Non-Neediness….
“How Therapy Turns Your Weaknesses Into Strengths” | (#006) Masculine Psychology Podcast with David Tian
Do you feel unworthy of love? Do you always try to be your best self? These painful struggles reflect repressed emotions, dulling your appeal to the world…..