“You Are Enough” – A Message To Achievers | David Tian, Ph.D.
So many of us are afraid that if we stop beating ourselves up, forcing ourselves to strive and achieve… that we’ll then just end up being lazy bums. And some of us are so afraid of failing that we don’t even try, we just procrastinate forever… because we fear that if...
Develop Smarter Heuristics to Succeed in Life | DTPHD Podcast 19
Join David Tian on the “DTPHD Podcast” as we explore deep questions of meaning, success, truth, love, and the good life. Join our private Facebook group here:https://www.facebook.com/groups/dtphdpodcast/ NOTE: The audio quality for this podcast is better on the...
“The Man Up Show” Ep.236 – Why Are You Not Motivated?
Ask your private questions and get access to exclusive bonuses and coaching through our private Facebook Group. Join now: https://www.facebook.com/groups/manupcommunity/…….
“The Man Up Show” Ep.235 – How To Get Over A Relationship With A Narcissist
Ask your private questions and get access to exclusive bonuses and coaching through our private Facebook Group. Join now: https://www.facebook.com/groups/manupcommunity/…….
Mindfulness or Mantra Meditation: What’s the difference? | DTPHD Podcast 18
Join David Tien on the “DTPHD Podcast” as we explore deep questions of meaning, success, truth, love, and the good life. Join our private Facebook group here:https://www.facebook.com/groups/dtphdpodcast/ NOTE: The audio quality for this podcast is better on the...
My thoughts on Crazy Rich Asians | DTVlog 28
For over a decade, David Tian, Ph.D., has helped hundreds of thousands of people from over 87 countries find happiness, success, and fulfillment in their social, professional, and love lives. His presentations - whether keynotes, seminars, or workshops - leave clients...
Why You Should Be Antifragile and Not Just Strong | DTPHD Podcast 17
Join David Tien on the “DTPHD Podcast” as we explore deep questions of meaning, success, truth, love, and the good life. Join our private Facebook group here:https://www.facebook.com/groups/dtphdpodcast/ NOTE: The audio quality for this podcast is better on the...
SUPER IMPORTANT (clickbait) | DTVlog 27
This is clickbait and we are shameless. My new Freedom U series: https://www.davidtianfreedomu.com/ For over a decade, David Tian, Ph.D., has helped hundreds of thousands of people from over 87 countries find happiness, success, and fulfillment in their social,...
Pleasure and Punishment | DTVlog 26
For over a decade, David Tian, Ph.D., has helped hundreds of thousands of people from over 87 countries find happiness, success, and fulfillment in their social, professional, and love lives. His presentations - whether keynotes, seminars, or workshops - leave clients...
The #1 Secret to Happiness | David Tian, Ph.D.
This 80-year Harvard study found the key to happiness… …isn’t in more money or luxuries… or in being popular or high status… or in how physically fit or healthy or intelligent you are. Rather, the most important factor for a happy life is… Watch this video for the...