What You Really Need To Know School Doesn’t Teach You | DTVlog 2
"It is likely that most of what you currently learn in school will be irrelevant by the time you're 40... My best advice is to focus on personal resilience and emotional intelligence." --Yuval Noah Harari, professor and best-selling author of "Sapiens." The most...

Upgrade Your Peer Group | DTVlog 1
Our first vlog! The context for the opening scene: Answering a question on a Facebook live show about what to do when your current friends are unsupportive of your business idea. When you're levelling up fast, your current friends and peer group will often feel...

New Year challenge to think smaller, and have your best year yet
It’s a New Year… and I know lots of people with BIG plans for their lives… Big plans, big goals, and big dreams. And that’s pretty natural — as achievers, we’re always pushing the envelope and looking to create more. You know what’s not so common, though? Thinking...

Motivation, Discipline, Drive, Success – What’s the Truth? | DTPHD Podcast 4 with Henry Chong
Join David Tian on the “DTPHD Podcast” as we explore deep questions of meaning, success, truth, love, and the good life. For over a decade, David Tian, Ph.D., has helped hundreds of thousands of people from over 87 countries find happiness, success, and fulfillment in...

Modern Mating Explained 1: Growth & Maturity for Reformed Players & PUAs (Pick Up Artists)
"Modern Mating Explained" is a special seminar series that explores the deeper psychological bases for mating in the modern world. For over a decade, David Tian, Ph.D., has helped hundreds of thousands of people from over 87 countries find happiness, success, and...

Status, Status Anxiety, Success & Life Fulfillment: How Are They All Related? | DTPHD Podcast 3
Join David Tian on the “DTPHD Podcast” as we explore deep questions of meaning, success, truth, love, and the good life. For over a decade, David Tian, Ph.D., has helped hundreds of thousands of people from over 87 countries find happiness, success, and fulfillment in...

“The Man Up Show” Ep.225 – What If She Only Wants To Date Casually?
Ask your private questions and get access to exclusive bonuses and coaching through our private Facebook Group. Join now: https://www.facebook.com/groups/manupcommunity/…….

“The Man Up Show” Ep.224 – What Does A Mature Relationship Look Like?
Ask your private questions and get access to exclusive bonuses and coaching through our private Facebook Group. Join now: https://www.facebook.com/groups/manupcommunity/…….

Relationship Communication Tips And Why They Don’t Matter Much | DTPHD Podcast 2
Join David Tian on the “DTPHD Podcast” as we explore deep questions of meaning, success, truth, love, and the good life. For over a decade, David Tian, Ph.D., has helped hundreds of thousands of people from over 87 countries find happiness, success, and fulfillment in...

“The Man Up Show” Ep.223 – Is She Being Spoiled, Or Is It Just You?
Ask your private questions and get access to exclusive bonuses and coaching through our private Facebook Group. Join now: https://www.facebook.com/groups/manupcommunity/…….