Why Your Achievements Make You Miserable: The Harsh Truth | (#148) The Masculine Psychology Podcast with David Tian

Why Your Achievements Make You Miserable: The Harsh Truth | (#148) The Masculine Psychology Podcast with David Tian

Neediness plagues every relationship, and achievers tend to be more needy than other people.


Well, the achiever’s desire to achieve often stems from neediness itself. Achievers think they have to earn every bit of love and approval in their lives. And then the success you achieve from this mindset tricks you into believing that this is a good trait.

However, look closely into a successful achiever’s life, and you’ll see that no matter how much they achieved, there’s a deep void of loneliness in their lives. Look closely into their relationships, and they’re riddled with neediness.

But you know what?

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The 6 Secrets to Attract & Keep a Woman in a Relationship | (#147) The Masculine Psychology Podcast with David Tian

The 6 Secrets to Attract & Keep a Woman in a Relationship | (#147) The Masculine Psychology Podcast with David Tian

Here’s a harsh truth for many men to understand, especially the pleasers and fixers: 

It’s not your job as a man to continuously attract your woman or to make her happy. Instead, it’s about understanding the elements that naturally cultivate attraction and happiness within a relationship.

But this approach to dating and attraction is a lot harder because it requires improving yourself at the deepest levels instead of putting on a façade. 

But you know what?

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