Why Traditional Psychotherapy Often Fails For Men | (#152) The Masculine Psychology Podcast with David Tian

Why Traditional Psychotherapy Often Fails For Men | (#152) The Masculine Psychology Podcast with David Tian

Most men, especially hypermasculine men, feel like therapy doesn’t work for them. Or worse yet, that therapy could never work for them.
And I get it. Not only are up to 80% of mental health workers women, but traditional psychotherapy operates through a feminine lens that further alienates masculine men.
When men go through traditional therapy, they often feel discouraged, angry, and unheard. Because the feminine approach doesn’t account for their lifelong conditioning about how emotions make you weak.
But nothing could be further from the truth: Not only do emotions add all the spice to life that makes it worth living, but mastering your emotions makes you more productive and more fulfilled too.

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Live Caller Interview with an Achiever Raised as a Parentified Child | (#151) The Masculine Psychology Podcast with David Tian

Live Caller Interview with an Achiever Raised as a Parentified Child | (#151) The Masculine Psychology Podcast with David Tian

This week’s episode is a special episode, especially if you’re an achiever (like most of our listeners are). Leon, a long-time subscriber from South Africa, reached out for a one-time session that doubles as a podcast interview.

While your situation might not be exactly the same as Leon’s, if you’re an achiever or struggle with abandonment issues or neediness, there will likely be several themes that apply to both your life, as well.

I treated this interview like an initial consultation. Listening will give you insights into how you could accept your inner child parts that have been filling you with emotional turmoil (even if you don’t have the same exact problems as Leon does).

Best part?

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Stop Playing the Blame Game: How to Own Your Sh*t & Transform Your Life | (#150) The Masculine Psychology Podcast with David Tian

Stop Playing the Blame Game: How to Own Your Sh*t & Transform Your Life | (#150) The Masculine Psychology Podcast with David Tian

One problem that haunts every relationship, career, and life is falling into a victim mindset. When you blame others for your problems and fail to acknowledge your role, you remain stuck and helpless in this vicious cycle. 

Worst part? 

As your relationships start to crumble, you’ll likely experience a heightened sense of anxiety and depression. And if you don’t address this, your life becomes a series of missed opportunities and unfulfilled dreams, leaving you with a sense of regret and dissatisfaction.

That’s the bad news. 

The good news?

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Why Your Self-Worth Isn’t Tied to Achievements & Chasing Success Won’t Fulfill You | (#149) The Masculine Psychology Podcast with David Tian

Why Your Self-Worth Isn’t Tied to Achievements & Chasing Success Won’t Fulfill You | (#149) The Masculine Psychology Podcast with David Tian

When was the last time you felt true joy and fulfillment in your life?

For many achievers, this is something that they never experience. Each achievement and accomplishment is followed by another pursuit, always keeping happiness just out of your reach.

The worst part?

This relentless pursuit of success makes finding lasting happiness and fulfillment impossible.

But it’s possible to break free from this toxic cycle. In fact, there are 5 simple ways to help you break free from this cycle that I reveal in this episode.

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Why Your Achievements Make You Miserable: The Harsh Truth | (#148) The Masculine Psychology Podcast with David Tian

Why Your Achievements Make You Miserable: The Harsh Truth | (#148) The Masculine Psychology Podcast with David Tian

Neediness plagues every relationship, and achievers tend to be more needy than other people.


Well, the achiever’s desire to achieve often stems from neediness itself. Achievers think they have to earn every bit of love and approval in their lives. And then the success you achieve from this mindset tricks you into believing that this is a good trait.

However, look closely into a successful achiever’s life, and you’ll see that no matter how much they achieved, there’s a deep void of loneliness in their lives. Look closely into their relationships, and they’re riddled with neediness.

But you know what?

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The 6 Secrets to Attract & Keep a Woman in a Relationship | (#147) The Masculine Psychology Podcast with David Tian

The 6 Secrets to Attract & Keep a Woman in a Relationship | (#147) The Masculine Psychology Podcast with David Tian

Here’s a harsh truth for many men to understand, especially the pleasers and fixers: 

It’s not your job as a man to continuously attract your woman or to make her happy. Instead, it’s about understanding the elements that naturally cultivate attraction and happiness within a relationship.

But this approach to dating and attraction is a lot harder because it requires improving yourself at the deepest levels instead of putting on a façade. 

But you know what?

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