The Trump Card for Sexual Attractiveness as a Man | (#101) The Masculine Psychology Podcast with David Tian
While sexual attractiveness is important for a healthy relationship, most men overvalue how important it is. As a result, this makes them more likely to sabotage their relationships…

How to Handle Temptation in a Long-Term Relationship | (#100) The Masculine Psychology Podcast with David Tian
Here’s the unfortunate truth for most men dating in our modern society:
They’re not emotionally mature enough to sustain a successful long-term relationship…

What are Women Sexually Attracted to in a Man? | (#099) The Masculine Psychology Podcast with David Tian
Many men are ignorant about how attraction actually works.
Because of this, they’re forever destined to stay single..

Neediness, Boundaries, & Reparenting Your Inner Child: “Good Inside” by Dr. Becky Kennedy | (#098) The Masculine Psychology Podcast with David Tian
Most of the events and decisions that cause you psychological issues today happened in your early childhood years. This is actually one of the main culprits behind why it’s so difficult for you to attract women now.
Being needy, a push-over, or having no assertive bones in your body require that you “reparent”….

How To Raise A Strong, Confident, & Assertive Man | (#097) The Masculine Psychology Podcast with David Tian
Your parenting style can either make your son an easy, compliant pushover in life or a strong, confident, and assertive man.
How so…

Ever Afraid of Making Mistakes in Your Relationship? | (#096) The Masculine Psychology Podcast with David Tian
Many people sabotage their relationships because they’re so nervous about getting it right, or saying the “wrong” thing…

Why Bad Boys Attract Good Girls | (#095) The Masculine Psychology Podcast with David Tian
Good girls date men who are clearly “bad news.”
And even though most bad boys display blatant warnings and redflags..

How to Enhance the Chemistry in Your Relationship | (#094) The Masculine Psychology Podcast with David Tian
The Dual Dynamic” makes or breaks your relationship.
And if you don’t understand it,..

How to Ignite Sexual Passion In Your Relationship (Even If It’s Been A While) | (#093) The Masculine Psychology Podcast with David Tian
Most guys mistakenly think falling in love automatically equals a thriving sex life….

Why Smart Men Fail At Relationships & Dating | (#092) The Masculine Psychology Podcast with David Tian
Smart men repulse attractive women.
And it’s not because of their looks, status, or sex appeal either….